There Needs To Be At Least One Hockey Fight Today With This Schedule. There Just Needs To Be

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You wanna know something? I think we're starting to see a shift in the universe here. For the longest time, hockey fans have constantly complained about the NHL being the worst run league in professional sports. But with the MLB clearly taking that honor now, I think the NHL is actually starting to know exactly what they're doing here. 

It's been 139 days or something like that since the last time we've had an NHL game. So what does the league go out and do on the first day that teams are back out on the ice against each other (even if they're just exhibition games)? Do they slowly ease us back in to the NHL restart with some random matchups like Arizona vs Dallas? Or do they drop a brick of cocaine onto the table and tell fans to go nuts with these matchups? You've go the oldest rivalry in the league sandwiched right between two of the greasiest rivalries in the game. 

4pm ET

8pm ET

10:30pm ET

They are exhibition games, yes I know. These guys still need to play themselves back into game shape and probably don't want to risk getting hurt before the playoff qualifiers even begin. But to hell with all of that. The NHL knows exactly what they did with this schedule today and the fans deserve to see a tilly. These have been some of the longest 139 days of most of our lives. The least these guys can do is throw a quick 139 haymakers into each others' skulls. Just as a treat. 

Either way, hockey is back and we're all horned up about it. 


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